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  • Writer's pictureAmelia

The Best Vegetarian Soup Recipe

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

Hi everyone! As the weather is getting colder, I enjoy homemade soup even more. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat soup any time of the year. But there's something special about having soup in winter. Trust me when I say that there is no better soup recipe than this delicious, vegetarian soup. It's super easy to make and is sure to become your new favorite meal!

There are many reasons why I adore this soup recipe, but I'll name a few.

1. The seasoning in this soup is so delicious and really helps to create a delicious, unique flavor. Curry powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and chili pepper make this soup so amazing.

2. The veggies! The veggies in this soup are very easy to find and each has a delicious flavor!

3. Vegetarian protein! In this soup, there are kidney beans which are full of protein and heart healthy!

4. This soup is so easy to make! You can easily make this soup in a short time!

Without further ado, let's get on to the recipe!

The Best Vegetarian Soup Recipe


- 3 large potatoes

- 2 large onions

- 2 cups canned corn

- 1 cup shredded carrots

- 2 cups fresh/frozen peas

-6 cups vegetable broth

-29 oz kidney beans

-1 teaspoon salt

-1 teaspoon curry powder

-1/2 teaspoon pepper

-1 teaspoon garlic powder

- 1/4 teaspoon chili powder


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into small triangles

  2. Peel off the top layer of the onions and cut the onions into square pieces.

  3. In a large pot add 1 cup of broth to the potatoes and onions and cook on medium heat. The broth will help the potatoes and onions to cook without burning. Stir the potatoes and onions occasionally until cooked all the way through.

  4. Add in the other 5 cups of broth

  5. Add in the carrot shreds and cook for a few minutes until carrots are softened.

  6. Add in peas and kidney beans and stir

  7. Add in garlic powder, salt, pepper, curry powder, and chili powder.

  8. Eat and enjoy!

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