Hi guys! For us, summertime is usually filled with trips to the pool, playing with friends, and popsicles! Since my family is a big fan of these cold, delicious treats, I decided to come up with a few recipes of my own. Today, I am going to share two of the recipes I've developed, with you!
Easy Orange-Creamsicle

I love these popsicles for several reasons:
1. They are refreshing bites of goodness
2. Easy cleanup, because all of the ingredients are made in a blender (even the whip cream!)
3. They are really easy to make and pretty healthy

Making these creamy, delicious treats are pretty easy. As I already hinted, everything is made in a smoothie maker.
Using a strainer, or a colander for this recipe is very important. My first time that I was trying to make an orange creamsicle recipe to put on the blog, it did not taste too great. It wasn't sweet enough, and the pulp bunched up into random areas of the popsicle. I knew I would have to fix the recipe I had made before I shared it with you. Probably the biggest fix I made was using a strainer/colander to separate the pulp from the juice. These are definitely some of my favorite popsicles.

I hope you enjoy this delicious, gluten-free, easy Orange Creamsicle recipe! 🍊🍊🍊
Easy Orange Creamsicles
4 oranges
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
4 tablespoons sugar
In a smoothie maker, blend the peeled oranges and the water together until a juice is made, about 30 seconds.
Place a strainer over a large bowl, and pour the orange juice we just made into it. There should be a big lump of pulp in the strainer.
Now that the juice is separated from the pulp, set the bowl of juice aside.
To make the whipped cream: pour the 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream and the 4 tablespoons of sugar inside the blender and blend until the consistency of Cool Whip.
Add the juice into the blender with the whipped cream and blend until smooth
Pour whipped cream-orange mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for several hours, or until completely frozen.
Eat and Enjoy!
No Sugar-Added Smoothie Pops

These are very easy to make and very refreshing! These are also dairy-free because I like them better with oat milk than with regular milk. It is very important to use vanilla oat milk instead of regular oat milk because the vanilla oat milk gives it a sweeter taste. If you do want to use regular oat milk, I would advise adding in a few tablespoons of honey with it.

No Sugar Added Smoothie Pops
-2 bananas
-2 cups gluten-free vanilla oat milk
-1 cup blueberries
-1 cup spinach
1. With a blender, blend together your bananas, vanilla oat milk, blueberries, and spinach.
2. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for several hours.
3. Eat and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy these popsicle recipes! Have a great day!