Hi guys! In our house one of our favorite weekend meals is... waffles! Until now, we've always relied on gluten- free store bought pancake mixes, but I wanted to craft a recipe of my own to satisfy our Gluten-Free sensitivities. Good-bye store bought mixes!

Story time: a year ago, my family and I did a fun little cooking competition called, "The Cooking Cup". In this competition, we each had to create our own recipe from scratch. My younger sister and I worked on our own version of Gluten Free pancakes. We added too many eggs and not enough liquids. The result? Instead of soft, fluffy pancakes, we got a lumpy-ish and doughy pancake. I did decide to keep that recipe though, with the thought that one day I could perfect it.
So here we are one year later, with a delicious waffle recipe! I decided first of all, to reduce the number of eggs. This was probably the most important part: I reduced my earlier recipe of 4 eggs to 1 egg. This way it wasn't too eggy, though it still had the distinct taste and it still rose. Next, instead of 1 cup of milk, I changed it to 2 cups, so the waffles wouldn't be too doughy. I decided to also lower the vanilla, which had been 1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon. I decided to keep the amounts of the all-purpose flour, the baking powder, salt, sugar, and butter/oil the same as our original recipe.

Now that I had come up with a better recipe that I thought might work, I decided to try it out! I first whisked together the wet ingredients (the egg, milk, vanilla extract, and butter/oil) so as to not over-mix the flour. Then, I added in the Gluten-Free flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar. I greased the waffle iron with non-stick spray and put it in until the iron beeped as a signal saying it was done! When I pulled it out, each member of my family took a bite (don't you love having them as taste-testers?😂). We all agreed that is was good, but it could be better. For starters, it tasted a bit too sugary. So I reduced the amount of sugar from 1 cup to 3/4 cup.
So, I tried trial #2. It followed all of my earlier details from trial #1, except 1/4 cup less sugar. This time, when we all tried some we agreed that this was definitely the way to go! We decided to also add in blueberries and chocolate chips! Yum! Now I had made a Gluten-Free waffle recipe from scratch that we don't have to go to the store to buy!

Gluten-Free Waffle Recipe
-2 3/4 cups GF All-Purpose Flour
-3/4 cup granulated sugar
-1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
-2 cups milk
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-4 tablespoons butter/ oil
-1 cup add in's (optional)
1. In a medium sized baking bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, butter or oil, and vanilla extract
2. Add in GF All Purpose Flour, sugar baking powder, and salt.
3. Slowly fold in the add-in's (if you're doing them)
4. Grease a heated waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray and put 1 measuring cup's worth of batter into it.
5. Cook until waffle iron beeps or until waffle is golden brown
6. Eat and enjoy!

Mmm, this makes my mouth water just reading the recipe!
Can’t wait to try this one