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  • Writer's pictureAmelia

Gluten-Free Brownie recipe

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

Yum! One of my favorite desserts are brownies, so I was determined to make my own brownie recipe perfect for any occasion! This brownie recipe is chewy, chocolatey goodness! This recipe is made with standard household ingredients, so hopefully, you can make it whenever you're feeling a craving for chocolate!

Here's a little secret: before this was a brownie recipe, I was trying to make a brownie mug-cake recipe. To tell you the truth, the mug cake version kind of failed. =) I tried to make a perfect mug cake recipe 7 times, before deciding to turn it into a brownie recipe. I took the best one I had made and used the same ingredients but in a brownie format. It didn't taste too great. So I made a recipe similar to that, but with more cocoa powder and oil. It still needed work, so I decided to add even more cocoa powder, a bit more sugar, butter instead of oil, and chocolate chips.

It was the perfect brownie recipe!

So now, without further ado, my homemade brownie recipe!

Gluten-Free Brownies recipe


  • 8 tablespoons of cocoa powder

  • 3/4 cup of sugar

  • 1 1/4 cup of Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 1/3 cup oil

  • 1 egg


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees

2. In a large mixing bowl, stir together until blended cocoa powder, sugar, GF all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder.

3. In a separate mixing bowl, stir together the water, softened butter, and the egg.

4. Fold the two mixtures together until blended, and the consistency of brownie batter.

5. Fold in the cup of chocolate chips, and set batter aside

6. Line a circular glass pan, or bread pan with parchment paper and pour batter into pan.

7. Cook for about 20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

8. Take out of the pan, and let cool for about 25 minutes in the refrigerator

9. Eat and Enjoy!

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